Esse deck segue o ideal do clássico Big Basics, que não abusa de habilidades e é capaz de bater com danos altos. Não posso falar desse deck sem antes mencionar o seu criador Andrew Wanboldt, que criou esse deck se baseando na ideia do Virizion EX / Mewtwo EX de energizar vários Mewtwo EX rapidamente com o ataque o Emerald Slash do Virizion EX. Sua lista acabou sendo vitoriosa, não em suas mãos, mas pilotada pelo Dema Boatman, da divisão Sênior, que ficou em segundo lugar no State de Missouri.
Me inspirei em sua lista que está no seu blog que você pode acessar aqui e me impressionei com a capacidade em que o Xerneas EX tem de nocautear qualquer pokémon com a ajuda de Hypnotoxic Laser e Muscle Band. Fui ajustando aos poucos o deck e atualizei para o formato FLF-ON. A lista ficou assim:
Pokémon – 13
3 Xerneas
3 Xerneas EX 1 Mewtwo EX 2 Pikachu 2 Raichu 1 Spiritomb 1 Jirachi EX |
Trainers – 35
4 Juniper 4 N 2 Skyla 2 Colress 2 Lysandre
4 Ultra Ball
3 Switch 2 Energy Switch 4 Hypnotoxic Laser 1 Professor's Letter 1 Super Rod 1 Pal Pad 3 Muscle Band
2 Virbank City Gym
Energy – 12
8 Fairy Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
Também pode ser um ótimo atacante contra Pokémons com "Safeguard" como Sigilyph e Suicune, utilizando Rainbow Spear [Y][Y][C], que causa 100 de dano ao oponente, ao custo de descartar uma energia ligada a ele.
"Divoso" |
Seu primeiro ataque também pode ser muito útil, principalmente em partidas contra Pokémon não EX e contra oponentes que usem Virizion EX para se defender do veneno. Break Through [Y][C][C] causa 60 de dano no Pokémon defensor e mais 30 no banco do oponente. Espalhando dano no campo do oponente, fica mais fácil nocautear os Pokémon sem o uso de laser.
Mewtwo EX: Ele encaixa bem em qualquer deck que use e abuse de DCE's e ainda usem algum tipo de aceleração de energia. Então porque não colocá-lo aqui? Ele sempre pode aparecer de repente no jogo e causar danos destrutivos.
Problemas com Pyroar? |
Spiritomb: Em meus testes, utilizava Scramble Switch, porém nas partidas contra Virizion/Genesect eu sempre me via em grande desvantagem, pois nunca conseguia manter o fluxo de OHKO's contra o oponente por causa do G-Booster. Então decidi testar com o Spiritomb, que bloqueia o uso de Ace Spec's no jogo, facilitando bastante a partida contra Virgen, acabando com a capacidade do oponente nocautear os meus Pokémons em único hit, assim posso espalhar dano rapidamente com Break Through do Xerneas EX e finalizá-los utilizando toda a gama de atacantes do deck.
Possíveis Techs
Hard Charm: Ferramenta que reduz em 20 todo o dano tomado por ataques. No formato atual, Yveltal EX tem muita presença, sendo assim, um Xerneas com um Hand Charm anexada a ele, daria muito trabalho ao Yveltal EX, pois iria reduzir 40 de dano, possibilitando assim sequencias de Geomancy.
Scramble Switch: A capacidade de trazer um Pokémon zerado pra frente e bombar com todas as energias que estavam no Pokémon que estava anteriormente é incrível nesse deck, você pode trocar um Xerneas EX com dano por um sem dano e continuar a sequencia de X Blast, ou trazer um Mewtwo EX à frente.
Silver Mirror: Plasma é uma das piores partidas que esse deck pode ter, porém com pode-se "atrapalhar" um pouco a partida focando em atacar com o Xerneas e Raichu, anexando neles o Silver Mirror, que previne dano tomado por Pokémon Plasma, quando anexada em Pokémon não EX.
Alguns já me questionaram porque eu não uso Aromatisse com Max Potion no deck. Realmente não acho necessário usar essa combinação de cartas, pois deveria abrir mão de cartas essenciais para manter o fluxo de ataques com Laser. Também, contra decks que são capazes de nocautear em um ataque, eu continuaria perdendo várias energias e ambas Aromatisse e Max Potion ficariam sobrando em jogo. Não estou falando que essas cartas são ruins, muito pelo contrário, existem decks muito fortes com Aromatisse, com Plasma/Aromatisse.
Esse deck é muito interessante e muito forte, sua capacidade de energizar e ser capaz de nocautear Pokémon em um ataque é muito animadora e exige bastante consistência para que o fluxo de ataques seja bem constante, por isso acho que o Jirachi EX se encaixa muito bem no deck. Espero que com a rotação, listas como essa apareçam mais no formato, já que as principais cartas do deck são XY-ON exceto o Laserbank.
Bem, finalizo o artigo por aqui e espero que tenham gostado. Não esqueçam de curtir a nossa página no facebook. Em breve trarei mais análises de deck e mais novidades. Até o/
In English
Hey guys, I'm back and this time bringing a deck that has a
lot of potential and seems to have gone unnoticed during the current season,
but I bet it will be more present with the upcoming rotation. The deck is based around Xerneas EX and Xerneas.
This deck follows the ideal from the classic Big Basics, not
abusing abilities and being able to hit with high damage. I can’t talk about
this deck without first mentioning its creator Andrew Wanboldt. He created the deck based on the Virizion EX/ Mewtwo EX deck, which was capable of accelerate energy and hit high numbers with
Mewtwo EX. With this simple idea in mind, Andrew constructed the deck based around Xerneas and Xerneas Ex, and he's list was sucessful enough to achieve a 2nd place at Missouri State Championship in Seniors, by the hands of Dema Boatman.
I was inspired by his list (which is on his blog) and impressed with the ability that Xerneas EX had to knock out any Pokémon with the help of
Laser and Muscle Band. I started to adjust the deck and upgraded to
FLF-ON format. This is the list:
Pokémon – 13
3 Xerneas
3 Xerneas EX 1 Mewtwo EX 2 Pikachu 2 Raichu 1 Spiritomb 1 Jirachi EX |
Trainers – 35
4 Juniper 4 N 2 Skyla 2 Colress 2 Lysandre
4 Ultra Ball
3 Switch 2 Energy Switch 4 Hypnotoxic Laser 1 Professor's Letter 1 Super Rod 1 Pal Pad 3 Muscle Band
2 Virbank City Gym
Energy – 12
8 Fairy Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
Xerneas: Basically the idea is to Geomancy [Y] with Xerneas as soon as the game starts (requiring you to go second),
spreading the energy in the field and preparing attackers. Once Xerneas
is knocked out or moved to the bench, it’s time to start attacking with Xerneas Ex, focusing on
knocking out all of your opponent's Pokémon with OHKO’s.
Non-ex Xerneas can also be a great attacker against "safeguarders" Pokémons, such as Sigilyph and Suicune, using Rainbow Spear [Y] [Y]
[C] to hit the defending Pókemon for 100, at the cost of discarding one energy.
Fabulous |
Xerneas EX: With it’s second attack "X Blast" [Y] [Y] [C] [C]
a Muscle Band and a Hypnotoxic Laser, you are able to knock out any Ex Pókemon in One Hit. With the help of Xerneas and Energy Switch, you can use X Blast at the second turn of the games, wich is incredible.
His first attack can also be very useful, especially in
matches against non EX Pokemon and decks that rely on Virizion EX to block Hypnotoxic Laser. Break Through [Y] [C] [C] does 60 to the defending Pókemon and 30 to the bench. Spreading damage early game makes it easier to
knock out Pokémon without the use of Hypnotoxic Laser.
Mewtwo EX: He fits well in every deck that uses DCEs and even some kind of energy acceleration. So why not put it in here? He
can always suddenly appear in the game and cause loads of damage.
"Pyroar? I can take it!" |
Raichu: Pyroar had a lot of presence at the U.S.A. National,
and it can be a big problem for this deck. However, Raichu is one of the most
hated cards for those who plays Pyroar, and it fits nicely in this deck, needing only
two energies, a full bench and a laser or a muscle band to knock out a Pyroar.
Jirachi EX: For me the best card in format (JUDGE ME!). Its ability Stellar Guidance allows you to find a supporter of the deck
when it is put on the bench. He can be really usefull to accelerate at the very beginning
of the game, bringing the necessary cards to make the deck run faster. It also increases your overall consistency, and helps at finishing a game, finding that key Lysandre to knock out a damaged Ex Pókemon on the bench.
Spiritomb: In my tests I was using Scramble Switch, but in matches against
Virizion / Genesect I always found myself in a great disadvantage, because I
could never keep the flow of OHKO's against the opponent, since G-Booster would always come and knock me out in one hit.
So I decided to test with Spiritomb, which blocks the use of Ace Spec's in the
game, making the match against Virgen easier, since he wouldn't be able to knock out my Pokemons with one hit, so I could spread damage quickly with
Break Through and finish them later with X Blast.
Possible Techs
Hard Charm: This Pókemon tool reduces by 20 all damage taken by
attacks. In the current format, Yveltal EX has a lot of presence, therefore,
Xerneas with a Hard Charm attached to it would give a lot of work to Dark Pókemon, because combined with the natural resistance, ou fairy Pókemon would receive 40 less damage, allowing various sequences of Geomancy.
Scramble Switch: The ability to bring a Pokémon forward and
pump with all the energies that were in the previously active Pokémon is amazing in this deck, allowing you to trade a damaged Xerneas EX for a undamaged one
and continue the sequence of X Blast, or bring a big Mewtwo EX to do some huge damage.
Silver Mirror: Plasma is one of the worst matches this deck
might have, but we can "mess up" a bit focusing on attacking with
Xerneas and Raichu, attaching a Silver Mirror to them, which prevents damage
taken by Team Plasma Pókemon (When attached to a non Ex Pokémon).
Some have questioned me why I don’t use Aromatisse with Max
Potion in the deck. I don’t think this is the best combination of cards for this deck, as
it gives up a lot of space and makes it harder to keep the flow of attacks with Laser. Also, Aromatisse is really bad against decks that are capable of knocking out our Pókemon in one hit, wich is kinda of common with Yvetal Ex and Rayquaza Ex in the format. I'm not saying that these cards are bad, far from it, there are very
strong decks with Aromatisse, like Plasma/ Aromatisse for example.
This deck is very interesting and very strong. Its ability
to energize and knock out any Pokémon with just one attack is really good, althought it requires a good amount of consistency and good draws. Hopefully with the rotation more decks like this will appear in the format,
since the main cards of the list are XY-ON, except for Laserbank.
Well, I end the article here and I hope you all enjoyed it. Don't forget to like our facebook page.
Soon I’ll bring more analyzes and news. o/
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